Maud BrakmanHi!

My name is Maud Brakman, born in 1999 in the Netherlands.
Since childhood, I was always interested in how the human body works, both physically and mentally. It was therefore a logical step for me to start working as a full time BLCN (Dutch) accredited lifestyle coach and NASM CPT, after graduating from my bachelor's degree in Sports Science.

As a coach, my goal is to bring out the best in people! I love the fact that as a coach, you can have a direct impact on a person. Seeing people develop positively gives me energy.

When I started as a coach, I made a promise to myself to go the extra mile for my coachees. To date, I have kept this promise.

Growing up in an entrepreneurial family, hard work was instilled in me. I am a perfectionist and will always try to get the best out of myself, both personally and professionally.

The Mantra I live by is ‘What you put in is what you get out’. Give it everything you got.


Plaats: Breskens


Telefoon: +31625526651

Website: http://

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